Outdated CHICKEN release

This is a manual page for an old and unsupported version of CHICKEN. If you are still using it, please consider migrating to the latest version. You can find the manual for the latest release here.

  1. Outdated CHICKEN release
  2. Accessing external objects
    1. foreign-code
    2. foreign-value
    3. foreign-declare
    4. define-foreign-type
    5. define-foreign-variable
    6. define-foreign-record
      1. slot definitions
        2. TYPENAME-SLOTNAME-set!
      2. record declarations
        1. constructor
        2. destructor
        3. rename
      3. example
    7. define-foreign-enum
    8. foreign-lambda
    9. foreign-lambda*
    10. foreign-safe-lambda
    11. foreign-safe-lambda*
    12. foreign-primitive

Accessing external objects


[syntax] (foreign-code STRING ...)

Executes the embedded C/C++ code STRING ..., which should be a sequence of C statements, which are executed and return an unspecified result.

(foreign-code "doSomeInitStuff();")     =>  #<unspecified>

Code wrapped inside foreign-code may not invoke callbacks into Scheme.


[syntax] (foreign-value STRING TYPE)

Evaluates the embedded C/C++ expression STRING, returning a value of type given in the foreign-type specifier TYPE.

(print (foreign-value "my_version_string" c-string))


[syntax] (foreign-declare STRING ...)

Include given strings verbatim into header of generated file.


[syntax] (define-foreign-type NAME TYPE [ARGCONVERT [RETCONVERT]])

Defines an alias for TYPE with the name NAME (a symbol). TYPE may be a type-specifier or a string naming a C type. The namespace of foreign type specifiers is separate from the normal Scheme namespace. The optional arguments ARGCONVERT and RETCONVERT should evaluate to procedures that map argument- and result-values to a value that can be transformed to TYPE:

(define-foreign-type char-vector 
  (compose list->string vector->list)
  (compose list->vector string->list) )

(define strlen
  (foreign-lambda int "strlen" char-vector) )

(strlen '#(#\a #\b #\c))                      ==> 3

(define memset
  (foreign-lambda char-vector "memset" char-vector char int) )

(memset '#(#_ #_ #_) #\X 3)                ==> #(#\X #\X #\X)

Foreign type-definitions are only visible in the compilation-unit in which they are defined, so use include to use the same definitions in multiple files.


[syntax] (define-foreign-variable NAME TYPE [STRING])

Defines a foreign variable of name NAME (a symbol). STRING should be the real name of a foreign variable or parameterless macro. If STRING is not given, then the variable name NAME will be converted to a string and used instead. All references and assignments (via set!) are modified to correctly convert values between Scheme and C representation. This foreign variable can only be accessed in the current compilation unit, but the name can be lexically shadowed. Note that STRING can name an arbitrary C expression. If no assignments are performed, then STRING doesn't even have to specify an lvalue.

enum { abc=3, def, ghi };

(define-macro (define-simple-foreign-enum . items)
     ,@(map (match-lambda 
              [(name realname) `(define-foreign-variable ,name int ,realname)]
              [name `(define-foreign-variable ,name int)] )
     items) ) )

(define-simple-foreign-enum abc def ghi)

ghi                               ==> 5


[syntax] (define-foreign-record NAME [DECL ...] SLOT ...)

Defines accessor procedures for a C structure definition. NAME should either be a symbol or a list of the form (TYPENAME FOREIGNNAME). If NAME is a symbol, then a C declaration will be generated that defines a C struct named struct NAME. If NAME is a list, then no struct declaration will be generated and FOREIGNNAME should name an existing C record type. A foreign-type specifier named NAME (or TYPENAME) will be defined as a pointer to the given C structure.

slot definitions

A SLOT definition should be a list of one of the following forms:




The latter form defines an array of SIZE elements of the type TYPE embedded in the structure. For every slot, the following accessor procedures will be generated:


A procedure of one argument (a pointer to a C structure), that returns the slot value of the slot SLOTNAME. If a SIZE has been given in the slot definition, then an additional argument INDEX is required that specifies the index of an array-element.



A procedure of two arguments (a pointer to a C structure) and a value, that sets the slot value of the slot SLOTNAME in the structure. If a SIZE has been given in the slot definition, then an additional argument INDEX is required for the array index.

If a slot type is of the form (const ...), then no setter procedure will be generated. Slots of the types (struct ...) or (union ...) are accessed as pointers to the embedded struct (or union) and no setter will be generated.

record declarations

Additionally, special record declarations (DECL ...) may be given, where each declaration consists of a list of the form (KEYWORD ARGUMENT ...). The available declarations are:

(constructor: NAME)

Generate a constructor-procedure with no arguments that has the name NAME (a symbol) that returns a pointer to a structure of this type. The storage will be allocated with malloc(3).

(destructor: NAME)

Generate a destructor function with the name NAME that takes a pointer to a structure of this type as its single argument and releases the storage with free(3). If the argument is #f, the destructor procedure does nothing.

(rename: EXPRESSION)

Evaluates EXPRESSION at compile-/macro-expansion-time and applies the result, which should be a procedure, to the string-representation of the name of each accessor-procedure generated. Another (or the same) string should be returned, which in turn is taken as the actual name of the accessor.


(require-for-syntax 'srfi-13)

(define-foreign-record Some_Struct
  (rename: (compose string-downcase (cut string-translate <> "_" "-")))
  (constructor: make-some-struct)
  (destructor: free-some-struct)
  (int xCoord)
  (int yCoord) )

will generate the following procedures:

(make-some-struct)              --> C-POINTER
(free-some-struct C-POINTER)

(some-struct-xcoord C-POINTER)  --> NUMBER
(some-struct-ycoord C-POINTER)  --> NUMBER

(some-struct-xcoord-set! C-POINTER NUMBER)
(some-struct-ycoord-set! C-POINTER NUMBER)


[syntax] (define-foreign-enum TYPESPEC [USE-ALIASES] ENUMSPEC ...)

Defines a foreign type (as with define-foreign-type) that maps the elements of a C/C++ enum (or a enum-like list of constants) to and from a set of symbols.

TYPESPEC specifies a foreign type that converts a symbol argument from the set ENUMSPEC ... into the appropriate enum value when passed as an argument to a foreign function.

A list of symbols passed as an argument will be combined using bitwise-ior. An empty list will be passed as 0 (zero). Results of the enum type are automatically converted into a scheme value (note that combinations are not supported in this case).

TYPESPEC maybe a TYPENAME symbol or a list of the form (SCHEMENAME REALTYPE [DEFAULT-SCHEME-VALUE]), where REALTYPE designates the native type used. The default type specification is (TYPENAME TYPENAME). The DEFAULT-SCHEME-VALUE overrides the default result of mapping from the native type; i.e. when no such mapping exists. When supplied the form is used unquoted, otherwise the result is '().

ENUMSPEC is a TYPENAME symbol or a list of the form (SCHEMENAME REALTYPE [SCHEME-VALUE]), where REALTYPE designates the native type used. The default enum specification is (TYPENAME TYPENAME). The SCHEME-VALUE overrides the result of mapping from the native type. When supplied the form is used unquoted, otherwise the SCHEMENAME symbol is returned.

USE-ALIASES is an optional boolean flag that determines whether an alias or the SCHEMENAME is used as the defined foreign variable name. The default is #t.

Additionally two procedures are defined named SCHEMENAME->number and number->SCHEMENAME. SCHEMENAME->number takes one argument and converts a symbol (or a list of symbols) into its numeric value. number->SCHEMENAME takes one argument and converts a numeric value into its scheme value.

Note that the specification of a scheme value override (SCHEME-VALUE) means the mapping may not be closed! (number->SCHEMENAME (SCHEMENAME->number SCHEMENAME)) may not equal SCHEMENAME.

Here a heavily contrived example:

enum foo { a_foo = 4, b_foo, c_foo };
enum foo bar(enum foo x) { printf("%d\n", x); return b_foo; }

(define-foreign-enum (foo (enum "foo")) a_foo b_foo (c c_foo))

(define bar (foreign-lambda foo bar foo))

(pp (bar '()))
(pp (bar 'a_foo))
(pp (bar '(b_foo c)))


[syntax] (foreign-lambda RETURNTYPE NAME ARGTYPE ...)

Represents a binding to an external routine. This form can be used in the position of an ordinary lambda expression. NAME specifies the name of the external procedure and should be a string or a symbol.


[syntax] (foreign-lambda* RETURNTYPE ((ARGTYPE VARIABLE) ...) STRING ...)

Similar to foreign-lambda, but instead of generating code to call an external function, the body of the C procedure is directly given in STRING ...:

(define my-strlen
  (foreign-lambda* int ((c-string str))
    "int n = 0;
     while(*(str++)) ++n;
     C_return(n);") )

(my-strlen "one two three")             ==> 13

For obscure technical reasons you should use the C_return macro instead of the normal return statement to return a result from the foreign lambda body as some cleanup code has to be run before execution commences in the calling code.


[syntax] (foreign-safe-lambda RETURNTYPE NAME ARGTYPE ...)

This is similar to foreign-lambda, but also allows the called function to call Scheme functions and allocate Scheme data-objects. See Callbacks.


[syntax] (foreign-safe-lambda* RETURNTYPE ((ARGTYPE VARIABLE)...) STRING ...)

This is similar to foreign-lambda*, but also allows the called function to call Scheme functions and allocate Scheme data-objects. See Callbacks.


[syntax] (foreign-primitive [RETURNTYPE] ((ARGTYPE VARIABLE) ...) STRING ...)

This is also similar to foreign-lambda* but the code will be executed in a primitive CPS context, which means it will not actually return, but call it's continuation on exit. This means that code inside this form may allocate Scheme data on the C stack (the nursery) with C_alloc (see below). If the RETURNTYPE is omitted it defaults to void. You can return multiple values inside the body of the foreign-primitive form by calling this C function:

C_values(N + 2, C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED, C_k, X1, ...)

where N is the number of values to be returned, and X1, ... are the results, which should be Scheme data objects. When returning multiple values, the return-type should be omitted.

Previous: Interface to external functions and variables

Next: Foreign type specifiers